In this YouTube video, up now on the Sam Fisher YouTube
channel, I will take you through a line of research and grand passion of mine,
concerning ancient civilisations, their mythologies and how they relate to the
militaries of the world?
It is a little known fact, that the CIA, along with MI6, had a strong interest
in ancient artifacts and in particular, ancient Sumerian artifacts. They also
are believed to have been involved with gathering and subsequently suppressing,
parts of the Dead Sea scrolls, before they could be handed to Vatican officials
and have their own archaeological teams.
Why such an interest in our ancient history and mythologies?
Why was the Iraq invasion, such a high priority and just after the
Franco-German archeological team, that Saddam Hussain hired, announced the find
of the millennium: The (thought just a myth) Tomb of the Sumerian King
Gilgamesh? Nevermind, why that announcement has been largely forgotten and / or
Could that have been the actual reason, for the nonsensical Iraq invasion all
If the countless testimonies of US and UK military personnel, present as the
allies entered Baghdad, are anything to go by, then yes, it could very well be?
The reason for the allies, hasty beeline for Baghdad, more specifically, the
national museum in the centre of Baghdad, has baffled military tactics experts
since it happened. This event and the confusion surrounding it, is further
confounded by a little known and vital detail, that of the soldiers being
ordered to clean out the museums vaults in the basement. The soldiers recount
how, they were instructed to ignore anything in the public floors and to remove
all cuneiform tablets and cylinder seals from the vaults, which were then
loaded onto trucks. This would then, later be blamed on Iraqi looters.
What were they looking for?
What had Saddam found?
Things get even more interesting when, after the EuroMaidan coup, that saw
regime change in Ukraine and Putin’s annexing of Crimea, Putin did a similarly
baffling move and sent his best troops to guard an area in the southwestern
coast of Crimea and it appeared to be a high priority judging by the speed at
which it was done.
Why would Putin do such a thing, I hear you ask?
What if I told you that, there were hastily buried reports coming out of that
area, prior to 2014, of an extremely ancient pyramid that is buried beneath
layers of rock. That it has recently been discovered, only within the last 15 –
20 years, that the southern area of Ukraine along the Black Sea coast, the
Donbas and the northeastern coast of Bulgaria were once home to a civilisation
purported to be even older than the Sumerians. A civilization that, even the
Sumerians state, was long gone before them, called the Aratta. A long forgotten
and also believed to be highly advanced civilisation, that is continuously
referenced by the Sumerians, in their mythologies about their gods, the
Anunaki. The Anunaki, who are themselves believed to be, in some research
circles, a race of incredibly advanced visitors from another world.
What if, we are seeing playing out in the Ukraine today, is
in reality, the culmination of a nearly 80 year long secret arms race, not
develop new weapons technology, but to acquire perhaps significantly more
powerful ancient alien tech?
Watch my YouTube video, to find out?
(Please check the video’s description for links to all the
articles and the channels whose videos are featured in my presentation, along
with links to the relevant data drops, posted to my pdf library on Telegram,
for all the research material too.
There’s also a wealth of material in my pdf library that may also interest you
too and can be found here:
Thanks for reading this and I hope you enjoy the
video too?
Samuel N Fisher
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